random thoughts, ideas, questions...

Monday, October 13, 2003

yesterday turned out to be a little more hectic than i'd planned. i was thinking i would have a long afternoon to care of last minute stuff, but it just flew by. i also had a tiny car crisis. i rolled my window down, but it wouldn't roll back up. that is never a good thing, but it is especially not a good thing when you are about to leave town for two weeks. but, brad graciously let me dump the problem on him. thanks brad! once i got ready to go, april and mandii took me to the airport. i'll definitely miss all my girls while i'm gone!

i finally made it to london. it was a long trip, but not too bad. what was bad was the trip from gatwick airport to victoria station. let's just say the seating and aisles weren't made for someone with a huge and heavy suitcase! i felt like i was in everyone's way the entire 45 minute trip. oh well, i guess i won't be seeing any of those people again anyway. from victoria station i took a taxi to my hotel which is in highbuy. london is such a fascinating place. it is a mix of old and new.

i'm not sure what i'll be doing this afternoon and tonight, but a nap is definitely in the plans somewhere. i'm anxious to get to spain and to meet the group i'll be with for the next ten days. i'm also anxious to get the journey from my hotel to heathrow airport in the morning over with - i'm taking the tube and there will be lots of steps. i think i'll leave pretty early in the morning! i hope to be able to post from montserrat, but we'll see! peace.


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