random thoughts, ideas, questions...

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

today is world aids day. my challenge to you today is to do something related to aids and the damage it is causing all over the world. a few suggestions:

  • educate yourself. a couple of websites that may be helpful are the data site and one life revolution.
  • say a prayer for all those being affected by aids.
  • take action. the data and one life revolution sites will you give you tons of ideas of ways for you to involve yourself and your community in the fight against aids. you can also check for ways to reach out locally through the united way or other volunteer organization.

just do something! peace.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shannon...it's Wes! I know I'm posting on a "serious" blog, but I just randomly (and I mean RANDOMLY) found your blog and thought I'd say hey, hope your doing great, and WAAAAAAAAAAR Eagle!

11:15 PM

Blogger Brad said...

It is not World Aids Day anymore. It's time to get back on the "blog bus."

12:55 AM


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